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U.S. Transfer Pricing Basics


Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.5 hours

Recorded DateSeptember 22, 2022
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaTaxes
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

Have you ever wondered what transfer pricing is and why it's so important to multinational companies? This webinar will answer those questions as well as outline the concepts and framework of transfer pricing analysis.

Join this webinar for a step-by-step walkthrough of transfer pricing, a review of different transfer pricing methods, and a discussion of special issues regarding intangibles and services.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recall what a transfer price is and why it is important to multinational companies

  • Evaluate the concepts and framework of transfer pricing analysis

  • Give examples of a step-by-step analysis of transfer pricing analysis

  • Summarize transfer pricing methods

  • Recognize special issues with right to intangibles and services

  • Identify transfer pricing penalty rules and documentation

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Steven Wrappe

Grant Thornton, LLP
National Leader for Transfer Pricing Dispute Resolution
[email protected]
(202) 533-3077

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Steve Wrappe is Grant Thornton LLP's Transfer Pricing Technical Leader in its Washington National Tax Office. Steve has over 25 years of client and government experience in transfer pricing and tax controversy. Prior to Grant Thornton, Steve led the transfer pricing controversy practice at other Big Four firms and was a partner with a global law firm. He has transfer pricing experience across all industries and is one of the most experienced negotiators of transfer pricing controversy. Steve has negotiated well over 150 advance pricing agreements (APAs) and mutual agreement procedures and negotiated the first APA coordinated with a Customs ruling. Steve has also been involved in international tax planning and tax provision work for multinational corporations.

About Our Presenter

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Grant Thornton LLP (Grant Thornton) is a U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd, one of the world’s leading organizations of independent audit, tax, and advisory firms. Grant Thornton has revenues in excess of $1.6 billion and operates 59 offices. They've never been a typical professional services firm and put people first, which sets us apart.